With Game Of Thrones set to finish after season 8, it makes sense that other George R.R. Martin works will be adapted for the silver screen. Enter, Wild Cards.

Martin announced last week via his blog that the show will be developed by Universal Cable Productions with the hope to start filming next year on the “first of several interlocking series.”
So, What Is Wild Cards?
Wild Cards is a science fiction anthology series written by a collection of authors, including Melinda M. Snodgrass and the revered George R.R. Martin, who also serve as editors. The tale begins with an alien virus that spreads over an alternate history post World War II New York City, killing 90% of those contracted. Of the remainder, 9% become crippled with ranging physical conditions and are known as Jokers, while the lucky 1%, known as Aces, develop superhuman abilities. The series follows these ‘superheroes’ and the events after the virus is released.
“It is very exciting. George and I created Wild Cards, and then invited a bunch of writers to come play in the sandbox. Then it’s just grown and grown” said Snodgrass.
Though Martin will not be directly involved with the show due to his lucrative deal with HBO, the author has voiced his confidence in Snodgrass and producer Gregory Noveck and their ability.
Before any arguments are made about why we don’t need another competitor in the already saturated superhero universe, it must be remembered who this is coming from. The minds behind this series have had the backing and guidance from one the greatest fantasy writers of today, and with that will hopefully come the same levels of diligence, character depth and gritty realism that made Game of Thrones so widely popular. In an interview, Snodgrass stated that
“It is a superhero franchise, but it’s different in that it’s far more realistic than some superhero films, and grittier. If you die in the Wild Cards books, you don’t get to come back. We want death to have consequences.”

Not much is known about the show yet but it almost seems like a mix of Misfits and Heroes. No doubt we will hear more as it continues into production.
What are your thoughts on this latest adaptation? Is another superhero story the last thing you want or does this sound refreshing?