The Freshest Tracks For Every Stage Of Your Night This Weekend

Its Friday and here at FIB we are well and truly ready for the weekend and we know how important a killer soundtrack is for your night. So, here at FIB we have compiled some of the best (mostly) new songs that will take you through every stage of your night from start to finish because you know that this boogie is for real.

Getting Ready – Jamiroquai – Shake It On

Yes. You heard me right. Jamiroquai. He recently released his album Automoation and the opening song is exactly what you need to ease yourself into the big night you have planned. It starts off nice and easy, pulling you into the groove. Then when he pulls out those classic violins that will have you hitting those beats with more bravado than Jody Sawyer in the final dance of Centre Stage (because we all know if you would have nailed all those pirouettes flawlessly if you had only gone to the casting). You’ll “be a freak tonight” with this funky track to kick it off, we promise.

On The Way – Zayn – Still Got Time (ft. PARTYNEXTDOOR) (MANDA Remix)

The free entry to the club ends in 15 minutes but you’re in the taxi on the way there. Of course, you would be on time if Stacey could be ready when you ask her to be for once but thats besides the point because you still have time, even Zayn knows, so it must be true.

Walking Into The Club –Zara Larsson – Lush Life

You’re in. You’re ready to dance and have fun and this is the exact track you need to enter to. The song is the perfect anthem for a summer night out, professing all the confidence and carefree attitude that you are vibing right now.

Running Into Your Ex – Mansionz – STFU

This song is nothing but hard sass and attitude which is exactly what your ex deserves. This is your night to enjoy with your friends and they’re on your case but you don’t need any of that right now. Some people just need the point spelled out to them and mansionz has your back.

Peak Party – Dillon Francis – Say Less ft. G-Eazy

You’ve been at the club for a while, you’ve had a few and its starting to get late, but you’re not ready to go home yet. This DJ is pretty good, but he doesn’t quite have the same natural flair for music as you do. You walk up to the DJ booth and hand over your suggestion, turning to your friends to say “get ready because this one is a banger.” The song goes off, naturally you’re the saviour of the night and everyone will want a moment to talk to the music extraordinaire. You know, however, to leave the talk to G-Ezy for this one and get up and dance instead. (And while you’re at it don’t forget to get tickets to Dillon Francis’ Australia tour in April and May right here)

Spilling Your Drink – Dawin – Can We All Just Get Along

Spending $15 on a drink is fine right, you promise yourself that you will enjoy every last drop and you better because it was worth half of your grocery budget this week. You turn around to go find your friends and bam a stranger walks straight into you, spilling your drink all over them. Of course, every time you spill your drink on someone, that person is wearing white, so if you thought you were mad, you can guarantee they are ten times more angry. You look up and say “Can We All Just Get Along?”

Karaoke Hour – Vanessa Carlton – A Thousand Miles

You’re welcome.

When Your Friend Wants To Go Home – Yellow Claw – Home (feat. Sophie Simmons)

You’re having the time of your life, dancing the night away, making all these new friends who you’ll add on Facebook who never seem to respond to your friend request the next day (you don’t need them anyway, you put “Say Less” on earlier, you’ll be DJing in Ibiza next month, no worries). Regardless, you’re having a great time however your friend has had enough. They had a big week at work and they want to go home but they won’t leave without you. They look you in the eyes and play this song. You have no choice. There’s something about your friend vicariously expressing themselves through Sophie Simmons angelic voice that makes you know they’re serious this time.

The Bus Ride – Drake – Passionfruit

Its time to start chilling out, but you’re still pretty amped from the club and thinking about that one special someone you met tonight. It could have been something amazing, they could have been the one, but you forgot to ask for their phone number and their name. You have to deal with this emotional rollercoaster and everyone knows thats code for Drake.

Home Sweet Home – Tei Shi – bad girl

You’re finally home, safe and sound, snuggling up in bed. You’re reflecting on all your choices tonight. You whisper along to this song as you gently drift off into a deep, dream filled sleep, ignoring your best friend heaving in the bathroom next door.