In a move that proves Netflix has finally wised up and put their purse to more financially viable options, the streaming giant has purchased Ratched – the prequel to One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, produced by Ryan Murphy and starring Sarah Paulson… aka the Emmy Award-winning dream team from some other doozies you may have spied, such as American Horror Story and American Crime Story.

The two-season series will be based around the title character, and downright gnarliest nurse of the literary world, Nurse Ratched from the 1962 Ken Kesey novel One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest. The prequel is slated to commence in 1947, and illustrate the insidious descent of Nurse Ratched from health care worker to malevolent authoritative figure.
Nurse Ratched was originally played by Louise Fletcher in the 1975 feature film also starring Jack Nicholson and Danny Devito. We’re personally rooting for a full on Cuckoo’s Nest reunion, but the years haven’t been all too kind to the old fellas… on the same token, the producers best not resort to a Leia-esque CGI insertion (think, ending of Rogue One) of a youthful Nicholson.

Murphy and Paulson’s track record on criminal and horror anthologies speaks for itself, so it’s no wonder Netflix has scooped up the series. Unfortunately, production is scheduled to commence in mid-2018 so we have a long road ahead of us.