Step Away From The Scales ‘Weigh Free May’ Is Upon Us

‘Weigh Free May’  is a body positivity campaign by activist/genius Grace Ritter that we can all get behind. Part challenge, part movement, the objective is to ditch the diet culture and embrace exactly who you are for a month- and boy am I here for it!

See ya later fat shaming and hello positive vibes. May calls for your energy to be put into happiness; it’s time to chase dreams not numbers on a scale.

A poster from Grace Ritter’s Weigh Free May campaign. Image credit:

Who do you have to thank for this revolution in self-love?  Grace; body loving guru and student from Perth. The 24 year old is recovering from a decade long battle with an eating disorder by changing her mind-set on diet culture, and she’s urging us all to do the same.

“One of the hardest things to deal with has been the amount of people – friends, colleagues, family – who talk about how they want to lose weight, or feel too fat, or hate their bodies.My dream is that Weigh Free May could give people a reason to excuse themselves from the shame and negativity so many of us share about our bodies.”

Want in? There’s no donations or compulsory events just a simple pledge that you can sign on the Weigh Free May Website.

The WFM Pledge: 

This May, I will try to…

  1. Accept and love myself and others just the way we are.
  2. Stop putting off life until I lose weight, and start living now.
  3. Be wary of diet culture, and encourage others to do the same.
  4. Remember that we are all allowed to take up space.

Still not sold…

In the all too true words of Ritter, “weigh-ins and BMIs are an unreliable indicator of someone’s overall health”. So enjoy your 31 days of freedom from the bathroom scales and away from that pesky body image anxiety.

Here are some pics of comedian Celeste Barber to end your body hating blues and as a reminder that those Instagram pics ain’t real life; you do you…

Are you game to ditch the scales and remove the scales from your eyes on the whole weight = health misnomer? Comment below!