Inti Wang, the new kid on the block who will knock your socks off (and then probably pair them with some cute heels) with his flair for creating wicked looks and defying social norms.

Marching down the streets of Oslo in a skirt and heels or blazer and tie, Inti Wang, the new face of androgynous fashion, has wrought and perfected his own vibrant style. At only 18, Inti has already curated an art show at Oslo’s Galleri Golsa, grabbed the attention of thousands of Instagram followers, been interviewed by Vogue and, to stick close to the blanket of clichés, has taken the fashion world by storm. Amongst these achievements he is also a strong voice for the androgynous community.
With his stunning array of eclectic pieces, Inti Wang’s fashion choices express his personality and identity; an identity that is not defined by society’s boundaries. Whilst he accepts the pronoun “he”, there is little more that tethers him to gender binaries and his wardrobe certainly expresses that.
“Clothes are the main way for me to express myself,” Inti states in his interview with Vogue, “I don’t want to put myself in a box. I like to be fluid, undefined. When people ask me if I’m a boy or a girl, I tell them: ‘You decide.’”
Exploring his identity at the age of seven with a pair of glass heels and mixing that with an insatiable creativity, there is no surprise that he is becoming a sought-after model – not to mention the face of androgyny.

Androgyny is all about the blurred line between masculinity and femininity, the ambiguity of one’s sexual identity. But, to Inti, it is so much more than that. When asked what androgyny means to him, the young model replies with a coveted wisdom:”It means not defining a person by gender, instead focusing on more about who that person truly is… We have the instinct to know everything, from sexual interest, nationality and gender. So how I see androgyny is something in between, something undefined, still to find out.”
With fashion icons such as David Bowie, who Inti describes as “androgynous and bold”, there is no surprise his sense of style and his creativity with fashion has made him quite popular. Inti was approached by fashion brand Weekday to collaborate, to choose a word that was important to him and relevant for the time, which would then be printed onto a shirt for the brand to sell. It is no surprise that the word Inti chose to be printed was “Androgyny”, a word that represents so much to the eighteen-year-old, his sense of self and his sense of style.
Society is ever-changing and the construction of definitive labels is slowly but surely changing alongside it. People like Inti Wang are using their voice, their art, their fashion to tell those around them that it’s okay to take the time to find yourself, it’s okay to try different things and be confident in yourself. Inti says, “Don’t be afraid to embrace the rich cacophony of life’s myriad possibilities.”
So, go out and embrace them!
The FIB team love the message that Inti is putting out into the world. We would love to know if you follow anyone else on social media that is going out of their way to spread positivity like this. Let us know in the comments!