Hi, I’m Paul Roberts welcome to my PODCAST Channel “THE FUTURE” where I cover BREAKING TRENDS FROM AROUND THE WORLD.
In our ever accelerating times, keeping ahead of the latest breaking news and trends from the world’s of fashion, music, film, art, tech, activism, is a time consuming daily challenge ? Sure the information is all out there, but it is a time consuming ordeal to scan all the necessary sources. As Darwin said survival depends on how quickly you can adapt.
The future belongs to those who prepare today.
If you want to be successful in today’s ‘attention economy’ you need to be noticed. And it really doesn’t matter what your line of work or business is, attention is currency. Having a nicely designed website is important but alone it will not get you attention, nor will posting on Facebook, as there are 3+ Billion people currently posting on Facebook. Nor will posting on Instagram, as there are over 1 Billion posting on that platform. You need to stand out, and to do this you need a plan, or a strategy and you need to take a long term view.
At my marketing agency the DESIRE GROUPE we used to have this quote on the back of our business cards.
“Successful companies of the future will be the ones that have the best brands rather than best factories”.
And I stand by that thought. But today, your personal brand can be one of your most powerful assets in life and business. And all the readily available Social Media platforms have given us the means to reach out and be noticed. But it is still a jungle out there with so many competing platforms and messages all vying for our limited attention. In this Trend Forecast I want to look at the Podcasting phenomenon. I want to give you a run down of how it works, why it’s a great opportunity and most importantly how you can join me and the other 550,000 active Podcasters to help build your personal brand.
More people are listening to podcasts than ever before. According to Edison Research, the number of Americans who listen to a podcast each week has grown 100% over the past four years, and 67 million Americans listen to a podcast every month.
As the audience for podcasts continues to grow, there has never been a better time to start a podcast for your business, blog or a personal hobby. If you follow this guide, you’ll be primed to launch your own podcast and take advantage of this exciting new medium.
Podcasts are a great way to build a genuine connection with your audience. Instead of the fractured connection you make through social media, podcasts allow you to engage your audience with unique long-form content. And podcasts are more convenient than blog posts: people can listen to podcasts while driving, working out, or just doing chores around the house. In our time scarce lives it’s a great free way to fill your mind with amazing new ideas and knowledge as you go about your day. And if you aren’t listing to Podcasts each day, you are really missing out.
There is also a lot of unexplored space in podcasting. As of 2018, there are close to 50 million YouTube channels, 440 million blogs, but just over 550,000 podcasts listed in Apple Podcasts.That means for every podcast there are 800 blogs and 90 YouTube channels, so it’s an amazingly uncluttered platform to get your message across, build and audience and develop your personal brand.
So for starters, some of the main channels that you can get your Podcast on include, Apple iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcast, Stictcher, iHeart Radio and TuneIn+Alexa.

Joe Rogan’s podcast ‘The Joe Rogan Experience’ earned a staggering $30 million in revenue across 190 million downloads per month in 2019.
Forbes have released a list of the five biggest podcasts in the world and Rogan’s show clocks in at top spot according to Apple. The UFC commentator has had a variety of guests on his show, including A reefer smoking Elon Musk, Robert Downey Jnr, Mike Tyson and Tyson Fury. His 2+ hour long unscripted chats resemble the kind of interaction you would have with a friend over a long boozy lunch of dinner.
Joe is a modern self styled renaissance man. Joe is a stand up comic, martial artist, the UFC’s number one ‘Colour Commentator’, psychedelic adventurer, cannabis smoker and advocate, and host of the Joe Rogan Experience.
Joe films his shows and uploads the videos on YouTube and his website, and the audio versions are uploaded to iTunes and Spotify etc.
Buzzsprout is the tool I use to organise and broadcast my Podcast. I pay $18 AUS per month and it makes the process quick, slick and easy. And you can literally have your Podcast Content on the main platforms almost instantaneously.
And for that low monthly fee it makes the production and publishing a breeze. It also comes with all the Analytics Tools so you can track how your Podcasts are performing.
Just get your account profile written, make a thumbnail image that people will see when they hit your Podcast, a name, a description and you are ready to start uploading your Episodes, it’s that easy.
And depending how polished you want the production to be you can go for basic iPhone recording straight from your phone, or you can use music and a professional sound engineered resource. Just record your standard Intro and Outro and record the Episode content to fill the middle. And it makes great sense to tag in your Site, sales page or other link in the Outro with a Call to Action. So it can be a phenomenal way to create Traffic, attention and help build your personal brand.
So here are some of my secrets on how to get your Podcast off with bang so it gets the highest Traffic in the fastest possible way.
Step One:
Set up your Account, Account image, name, description. Record your standard Intro and Outro. Prepare a batch of Podcast episodes and upload via Buzzsprout.
Step Two:
Promote your Podcast channel in all ways you can. Post to your Facebook friends. Email the link to your email contacts. Create a Facebook Group. Do some kind of launch promotion.
Step Three:
Get people to leave a Review on iTunes. More the better for each Podcast. If you launch with a bang and with lots of Reviews, the iTunes algorithm will notice your new Podcast and it will move you up the rankings in your 3 chosen categories you listed. And iTunes will send loads of Traffic your way. Start strong and you will be off and flying.
Step Four:
Make sure you post often. Promote it everywhere. Google “How to get more Podcast listeners”. As people to write more reviews on iTunes and ask listeners to Share. Good luck with Podcasting and using it to help drive Traffic to your sales pages (if you have them, or other webpages) and building your Personal Brand.
Until next time.
FIB Trend Reports: Breaking News From Around The World
Charles Darwin said “It Is Not the Strongest of the Species that Survives But those Fastest to Adapt”
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