A Whiff Of Fashion: Down With Skunk Hair In 2020

A few years ago, ‘ombré’ was definitely the time of the ‘outgrown highlights’ look. But now, the skunk hair is taking over from plain old sun-kissed streaks to the must-have hair in 2020 thanks to TikTok. 

Photo Credit: Nestia

The look of skunk-stripe hair is much more flattering than its name. However, the name describes its appearance: one or more broad contrasting stripes of colour in the hair, like the white stripes run across the forehead and down on the sides of the skunk’s black skin.

It’s different from the ‘two-tones’ hair, which normally blends two harmonising hues together. Skunk hair is focusing in stark contrast and a standout, subtle style.

Lily Munster’s skunk hair | Photo Credit: Her Moments

Skunk hair begun re-emerging in 2019 and has kept gaining more momentum ever since. Many TV and film characters have adorned the look in the past, one famously known as the 60s sitcom character Lily Munster. The look itself can be extreme in any way that you want. While the key is the hues need to appear in ‘colour block’ with very minimal blending.

The traditional, classic skunk appearance tends to be the monochromatic, dark-to-light situation. But the trend in 2020 is extending to brighter hues, for example, Billie Eilish is nailing it!

Photo Credit: Cosmopolitan

Try it at home!

It seems to be a big project that is a look best achieved in a salon, it is actually simple to DIY at home. Unlike the balayage, you don’t require painstaking hours devoted to separate strands and blending. All you need is to ensure you section your hair properly and put conditioning right at the top of the priority list. But it may be a better idea to consult with a professional hairstylist.

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